Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My love burns like a fire, your love burns like a cigarette...

So it seems it has been far too long since I updated this little blog. Since last time we were here, I have moved to a new, significantly colder, city to pursue a theatrical design career. Thus far it is slow, but I am hopeful. As of yet, I have been able to make enough money to eat and pay my rent so I cannot complain. I even occasionally have money left over to purchase things I do not need, like parts for my bike :)

Also I would like to say that I really enjoy public transportation. The subway, has single-handedly increased the amount I read by approximately 100%. The subway is not quite as exciting as a well setup bike, but its close.

Apart from that there is not much to update. I am learning what a winter is like, and I am hoping to return to Ithaca this summer, for more Hangar fun. We shall see.

Merry Christmas.

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